Virtual avatars for online courses, reviews and videos for social networks
Screenshots of avatars, people and characters:
Sales, lawyers, coaching
Medicine, cosmetology
Reviews or sales of clothing
Tourism, excursions, guides, visas
Esoterics, sacred knowledge
Services and training in IT areas
We can make a talking avatar on any topic, in any landscape or interior. They can speak any language, their lips will move in exact accordance.
An avatar of a movie character – Hulk speaks the given text in Russian:
Avatar of a real person – our neuro-engineer Artem Lakhtin:
Avatars of fictional people – Leo and Diana – speak three languages: Russian, English and Japanese
✓ An avatar speaking any language will allow you to enter the global market! By the way, we will share our wealth of experience - where and for what business to open a company, residence permit, bank acquiring, netting, etc.;
✓ Avatar reduces time and budgets for video content several times;
✓ Avatar - a digital twin will help anyone who has a fear of public speaking.